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School development

Deutsche Schule Erbil

It is our goal to continuously improve our school and the education we offer. The quality assurance and improvement processes are based on the quality manual provided by the Central Agency for German Schools Abroad (ZfA) for all German schools abroad.


You can download the quality manual (only available in German) here.


In February 2022, the German school in Erbil was awarded the quality label "Exzellente Deutsche Auslandsschule" following a rigorous inspection conducted by Ms. Förster (as representative of the German cultural ministries) and Dr. Schawe (as representative of the Central Agency for German Schools Abroad).


The steering committee is an important element of quality management. The committee initiates and coordinates school development projects and provides a forum for all bodies (students, staff, board, parents etc.) to work together.

Steuergruppe 2023.jpg

In February 2018, our school was audited by the Central Agency for German Schools Abroad. Dr. Brügmann inspected the school as a whole, including classroom visitations and interviews with parents, students, the board, and staff. We are very happy with the results. Since then, we were able to implement a few of the suggestions that emerged during the inspection process, including our afterschool programs.

In 2021, the German school in Erbil has successfully completed the IBO's five-year-evaluation. The IBO's final evaluation report indicates no "matters to be addressed" and lists a substantial number of commendations highlighting our school's strengths in implementing the IB diploma programme. You can download the evaluation report here.


The German school in Erbil is officially accredited by the Kurdish Ministry of Education (MOE) holding a Kurdish school license. We strive to work together with the Kurdish school inspectors who visit our school on a regular basis. According to MOE rankings, our school is among the TOP 3 private schools in the Kurdistan region in Iraq.

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